However, in early March 2008 recently, I knew a lady Shima from Kuantan through a SMS and she was the first women to comment on my weight. She said that I would look better If I can slim down and will assist me in few Yogas' technics that she learned and practised. Unfortunately, she was only available in Kuala Lumpur when meeting me once a week. But then, when we met , there was no time for yoga's at all !! instead, it was time for Kamasutra !!! But now, after one and half month, she didn't come down to Kuala Lumpur anymore as we had few misunderstanding, she was too demanding and rushing me to marry her and I decided to forget Shima, though I began to like her so much. To get married after just a month and half relationship , it's crazy !!! and not my style...!
Shima's comments had a long effects on my mind. I wanted to look better, younger and healthier and I started looking for ways to loose weight but I couldn't find one (I meant faster and cheaper one !) My son who is involved in MLM had given me an Ener-G Pendant, a product from ancient Korea's secret technology, made of 32 minerals with 100% of natural sources heated up at 1600 C followed by a slow cooling process. . It contained 2000 ion negative per cm3 and 80% FIR (Far infrared Ray) far much better ion contents than the bangles and other products existing today. The Ener-G Pendant's unique internal structure is able to gather, focus and emit energy to rebalance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our body. The main functions of ion negative is to clean up the blood, replaced dead cells, increased anti-body, and also increased otonomy veins. It has clinically proven to prevent stroke, gout, prostat cancer, high blood , diabetes and etc. After two weeks, I can feel the differrent. I am healthier ( I suffered from diabetes, gout and pain in my left kidney) and had a very good sleep every nights. My face looks fresh , clean , even brighter and younger. This is A secret of long live.... GOD willing !!
I was really serious of loosing my weight. My son again recommended me other liquid capsule- the most powerful fat-burning formula in a maximum - strength liquid capsule for superior absorption and unprecedented results. This formula had a quick impact, melted off the body fat, enhances muscles defination and brings out a lean midsection, while attacking those trouble areas i.e love handles, glutes, lower back and thighs. It is confirmed that this formula is clearly superior to any other fat burner currently available. Just after one week I lost 5 kg and is showing signs of loosing more. But mind you... it is not a cheap product by the roadside. If you can spend RM 500 on your car repairs, drinking in pubs, enjoying and clubing, ciggrettes, spending on unneccesary things, makeup and shopping and what not , I am sure you can afford this formula. If you are really serious of loosing weight with no side effects as confirmed by their panel doctors and if you are patience enough to wait for two week for delivery, then you are in the same shoes as mine!! It costs only RM 500.00 (240 capsules) inclusive of delivery to any parts of Malaysia and you will be a better person, slimmer and healthier. You may go to hundreds of slimming centres available, or buy other products, why not ? but do you have the time? or can you afford the unwritten and hidden charges ???
Sometimes, you may think being a "fatso" is not a problem at all. But look around you, in the office, in shopping complexes, pubs, coffeehouse, restaurants etc, how many "fatso" are there? sometimes you are the only one and people started looking at you?? Not because you are that attractive, but because you looks different from others " a baby elephant- Jumbo" looks a like, you feels embaraced, being teased, but then what have you done to yourself ??? If you believe in me... give me a tinkles and I am sure, soon... someone else will give you a tickles when you are a better looking person...!!! So FATSO listen to me and act now!!
"Being Fat is beautiful and acceptable but being slimmer is more beautiful and sexy." It is your own choice and destinations....
Don't ask me..!!!