I was in Kuantan last April 25, 2008 to attend a court case, but was postponed to October 16, 2008. So, I took the opportunity to visit my SMS girl friend Liana at her workplace, Dungun, Trengganu. She wanted to see me and to drive her back home to her parents' house at Kampung Payang Kayu, Kuala Berang an hour and half drive from Dungun. I was quite nervous and unprepared , but with Liana around convincing me it will be alright, I just kept driving and reached her home around 9.00 pm. It was quite a small wooden house but the government had built her parent a two bedroom house under the scheme for the poor just next to her house . I was welcomed in a very good manner. It has given me a great confidence and I felt more relaxed. Her father, an Indonesian residing for more than 20 years is a very friendly and down to earth person. We had a good handshake , talks subject related to his life history, how he came to Malaysia and his experience in Johore where he was detained by an immigration officer who happened to be his relative from his grandfather's side who had been in Johore for many years. He was sent back to the village, Keratong Pahang, where he lived with an immigration jeep. As there were many Indonesian immigrants there, at that time, they ran everywhere thinking that there was an operations for illegal immigrants.
I told him my side of life history. He was happy that I had a mixture of Bugis and Banjar blood in my body. Later Liana's mother came and invited us to have dinner with the family. I had a good dinner, the mother was a good cook !. After dinner, I hinted that I am a close friend of Liana and wanted to take her seriously. I was worried, but thanks God that they were so supportive, responded well and advised me that I shouldn't play her out as she is a good and inteligent girl. Her father always addressed himself as "Abang" not knowing that I am much older than him, but I just smiled and kept it to myself. I was there for about 2 hours and I promised to return with my intention to take her daughter as my wife in due course. Her father mentioned that if I wanted to take Liana seriously, he had no objection because he respected her daughter's choice of any man .
At midnite, I wanted to take Liana back to her hostel in Dungun but she refused, instead wanted to follow me back to Kuantan, and I did. In Kuantan , as I didn't have much money left, we spent the two nights at my friend's house though I didn't feel comfortable because my friend too had financial problems, and a family man, it won't be nice to take a girl friend home, but he welcome us. The next day, I drove Liana to her sister's house at Cherating, had lunch at a restaurant there. The sister, an educated lady had a Diploma from UiTM but jobless for many years and decided to get married to a hotel steward in a kitchen. Later I found out, that's why Liana didn't want to persue her Form 6 because she thought that it will be a waste of time studying but couldn't get a decent job. The next day, I sent Liana back to her hostel at Dungun as I have to get back to Kuala Lumpur.
Time had passed, I am in Kuala Lumpur but receiving sms regularly from Liana. She was very happy that I met her parents and knew my sincerity to take her. We kept intouch through SMS and sometimes I called her and vice versa. Last week , Liana told me that she had informed her parents that I would come on May 31, 2008 during school holidays for an engagement. I was shocked, because I didn't say anything , and i didn't have enough money and no more savings. How can I afford? I can't even afford my own daily expenses!! I am still jobless, but helping my friend in an Advertising company with a 20% commission on any accounts closed. There was nothing as yet, though I had followed up some potential clients. I asked Liana why such an hurry, she told me that she wanted to be with me quickly, furthermore, there's a guy from her other outlet always kept asking and pushing her to marry him as 2nd wife as he claimed that he was not happy with her first wife.
Earlier in Kuantan, I was awake at the middle of the night and heard Liana was on the phone with someone, and the next day, while she was having shower, I looked at her hand phone and took the number as I was pretty sure that the same guy, Mizi that called. Being curious, I called the number and a lady answered and I asked for Mizi. The lady claimed to be Mizi's wife and asked me why I called. I introduced myself as Liana's fiance and told her that Mizi had always disturbing my fiance, Liana. The lady became annoyed and told me that his husband is great "buaya" and ungrateful. She told me that when mizi was jobless, she was the one that supported the family as they had a son., but now when Mizi had a steady job and had a kancil car, he played around with other women and always came back late night. I told Liana about this, and she was happy that I called Mizi's wife. Later Mizi called and scolded Liana and was very angry and upset because I called his wife. I told Liana that Mizi had lied to her about his relationship with his wife and advised Liana to keep away from that Buaya.
I had a sleepless nights thinking how to get money for the engagement. Furthermore Liana wanted to came down to Kuala Lumpur on this coming May 16, 2008. to buy some items for the "dowry." I spoke to my son about the engagement and wanted him to help me to get some money but my son also just started work at a bank and didn't have saving , furthermore he had sent some money to his mother as I didn't. Normally I still send few thousands to my ex wife because of our children. But now I can't afford !! she understood my situation. I also called my 2nd brother to help, instead I had a good lecture, not encouraging me to re-marry a young lady as my 2nd marriage to a young lady failed. . Well , I understand it is easier for other people to say ! but I wanted to give it another try... I am still strong and healthy..I have been alone patiently for 3 years !!
I have no choice but to tell Liana of my problems, she asked me to marry her in Thailand instead to save cost as she couldn't care less, But I wouldn't do that. Her parents were so nice and I am sure they wanted to see a proper engagement and wedding ceremony for their daughter. Liana became upset, as she really love and needed me to be her husband as quick as possible. It's alright and suit me, but think of it Liana is still below 20, she may not be thinking deep enough, and that worried me. I just couldn't marry her with a price of 3000 bahts in Thailand, she is worth more !!
Meanwhile, I am just hoping and praying that I could close one big deals for my friend's advertising company and a 20% commission, that could change my life !!
I am looking forward what comes next, Another love and new Life? Only God knows !!!