Adakah anda menggunakan internet sekarang?
Peluang baik bagi mereka yang kerap 'surf' internet.
JANGAN BAZIRKAN BIL TMNET DAN STREAMYX atau duit bayar CC... Kita cuba buat
duit jugak disamping kita berbelanja. Inilah dipanggil work and play smart dan win-win situation.
Program ini PERCUMA 100%
Anda akan dibayar setiap 15 hb..
Cuba fikirkan: Andaikan kita perlukan masa 1 jam untuk berfikir tentang projek ini, anda
masih belum mendapat apa-apa, tetapi dalam masa 1 jam itu saya dah dapat RM1.63.
Nak tau macamana?
Buka web ni..KLIK http://www.surfjunky.com/?r=Datokzeq
Anda cuma perlu:
1. Sign up (percuma)
2. Log in
3. Klik pada bahagian "EARN MONEY"
4. Klick pada bahagian "Click Here To Start Surf Junky Browser"
5. Biarkan Program ini BUAT DUIT UNTUK ANDA.
6.Klik pada bahagian "STATISTIK" untuk mengetahui jumlah wang yang diperolehi.
Senang sahaja.. tak perlu risau pasal modal ...tanpa risiko.. cuma kita sajaja lah yang perlu jujur dalam mem'promote'kan website ni. Kita dibayar sebab kita 'promote' orang lain surf web dia..Itu sahaja.
Jadi, apa salahnya kalau kita buat macam itu dan dapat income kan??
Kita dibayar USD$0.45 (RM1.63) - ikut currency sekarang bagi setiap jam program ini berjalan). Bermakna anda boleh dapat sehingga RM41.04 sehari (RM1.63 x 24 =RM39. 12). Ini
bermakna sebulan kita boleh dapat sehingga RM39.12x 30 = RM1173.60.
Boleh tahan jugak kan..fikirlah. Duit FREE, ambik saje laa...
Cek akan dihantar kepada nama dan alamat yang kita isikan sewaktu sign up.
Oleh itu sila tulis nama dan alamat anda dengan lengkap dan betul...
Ingat, sebelum dapat duit, kita memang kena usaha dulu... dan dalam bisnes yang ini, kita perlu usaha untuk promote kan web yang di atas tu sahaja...
Pakai satu jari, pun dapat duit ! Aku bagi tahu sebab aku anggap ko orang semua kawan kawan. Orang lain bermandi peluh menggunakan seluruh tubuh badan !
Peluang baik bagi mereka yang kerap 'surf' internet.
JANGAN BAZIRKAN BIL TMNET DAN STREAMYX atau duit bayar CC... Kita cuba buat
duit jugak disamping kita berbelanja. Inilah dipanggil work and play smart dan win-win situation.
Program ini PERCUMA 100%
Anda akan dibayar setiap 15 hb..
Cuba fikirkan: Andaikan kita perlukan masa 1 jam untuk berfikir tentang projek ini, anda
masih belum mendapat apa-apa, tetapi dalam masa 1 jam itu saya dah dapat RM1.63.
Nak tau macamana?
Buka web ni..KLIK http://www.surfjunky.com/?r=Datokzeq
Anda cuma perlu:
1. Sign up (percuma)
2. Log in
3. Klik pada bahagian "EARN MONEY"
4. Klick pada bahagian "Click Here To Start Surf Junky Browser"
5. Biarkan Program ini BUAT DUIT UNTUK ANDA.
6.Klik pada bahagian "STATISTIK" untuk mengetahui jumlah wang yang diperolehi.
Senang sahaja.. tak perlu risau pasal modal ...tanpa risiko.. cuma kita sajaja lah yang perlu jujur dalam mem'promote'kan website ni. Kita dibayar sebab kita 'promote' orang lain surf web dia..Itu sahaja.
Jadi, apa salahnya kalau kita buat macam itu dan dapat income kan??
Kita dibayar USD$0.45 (RM1.63) - ikut currency sekarang bagi setiap jam program ini berjalan). Bermakna anda boleh dapat sehingga RM41.04 sehari (RM1.63 x 24 =RM39. 12). Ini
bermakna sebulan kita boleh dapat sehingga RM39.12x 30 = RM1173.60.
Boleh tahan jugak kan..fikirlah. Duit FREE, ambik saje laa...
Cek akan dihantar kepada nama dan alamat yang kita isikan sewaktu sign up.
Oleh itu sila tulis nama dan alamat anda dengan lengkap dan betul...
Ingat, sebelum dapat duit, kita memang kena usaha dulu... dan dalam bisnes yang ini, kita perlu usaha untuk promote kan web yang di atas tu sahaja...
Pakai satu jari, pun dapat duit ! Aku bagi tahu sebab aku anggap ko orang semua kawan kawan. Orang lain bermandi peluh menggunakan seluruh tubuh badan !
Klik : http://www.surfjunky.com/?r=Datokzeq
"Tiru Macam Saya !"
nice tips..
Cuba lah aku nak tolong kekawan, maklumlah semua BENDA DAH NAIK?
Saya telah sign-up dan kalau tak menjadi kesalahan, saya nak copy-pastekn artikel datok ni untuk promote referral link saya.
Terima kasih.
No problem copy lah biar sama sama kita buat duit. Harta dunia kita kongsi2kan lah
Datok, nanti saya sms dato satu lagi peluang..best gak!
Sorry to interrupt, I just wish you would do your homework before trying to help others here Datuk Zeq. Many websites mentioned that the company never paid the members of the minimum amt of $25.00. I copy and paste one of the reviews about surfjunky
What is surfjunky.com?
Simply, Surf Junky is a website which pays members to visit other web sites through their “surf bar”. The user is required to visit the page for 30 seconds before being forwarded to another paid page. Surf Junky claims they will pay between $0.45 and $0.75 cents per hour of surfing.
How is it a scam?Simply put, you are supposed to get paid to surf. Surfjunky.com however does not and will never pay you. So to reach their minimum $25 payout, you need to surf for 55.5 hours. You work for almost 56 hours and get paid nothing. If this is not a scam I don’t know what is.How do you know it is a scam? Well first off the mathematics behind the site are simply impossible. The site charges advertisers using the following pay schedule:
100,000 Visitors - $29.95 250,000 Visitors - $59.95 500,000 Visitors - $99.95
1,000,000 Visitors - $189.95
These are the ACTUAL rates obtained from the surfjunky.com website
Let’s just start with the minimum amount of 100,000 visits for about $30.00. So that means an advertiser is paying approximately $0.0003 per visit... right? ($30/100 000)
Now a member of surfjunky.com gets paid $0.45 per hour of surfing. The member can surf a maximum of 120 pages per hour (Each page must be viewed for 30 seconds, no multiple windows are allowed. So that is 2 pages per minute, 60 minutes per hour, which equals 120 visits per hour MAX)
Are you still following? Good!
Now go back to our advertising rate of $0.0003 per visit. Multiply this by 120 visits. That means that for 120 visits to his/her website a webmaster is paying ONLY $0.036.
So the advertiser is paying $0.036, or just under four cents, for every 120 visitors to his/her website. However, surfjunky.com is suppose to be paying its members $0.45, or 45 cents, per 120 pages visited.
That means either, 1) surfjunky.com is the worst business in the world and is planning on taking a loss $0.414 or 1250% for every hour a visitor surfs or 2) surfjunky.com is a scam site that never intends on paying its users.
To further amplify this loss consider this. Once a user reaches the minimum $25 payout, surfjunky.com has only made $1.99 from that user (they make $0.036 per hour times 55.5 hours to reach payout of $25). So surfjunky.com is actually taking a loss of $23.01 per payout.
So with a loss of $23 per user. Multiplied by approximately 500,000 registered users at last count, surfjunky.com will be recording a loss of $11,500,000 once members reach payout.
Now I don’t want to seem to be over exaggerating because it hurts my credibility. So let’s assume only 1 in 10... no 1 in 100... no wait 1 in 1000 users actually make it to payout without cheating, getting bored and stopping, etc. The company will still be taking a loss of $15,000 each payout cycle. That is a loss of $15,000 EACH and EVERY month!
So even if surfjunky.com fully intends on paying all users, and does not want to be a scam, the fact of the matter is paying them is impossible! It just won’t happen! They will go bankrupt before 1 payout is made
More Scam Proof
The following websites go into detail about the surfjunky.com scam, including who may be behind it, previous scams pulled by the same individual, etc.
Further information about this scam will be posted as updates become avaiable
Help Shut Surfjunky.com Down
One of the best ways to shut surfjunky.com down is by going directly to the domains registrar. First report them for using false contact information (Phone number 555-555-5555 is fake). Also consider reporting them for running an illegal site. You can also try and contact their ISP or web host as well and try and get them shut down as well.
If you google it, 99% of the reviews say it's a scam..
TQ fr yr detailed info, but i had made mine, there is no easy ways, you have to promote and a little patience to pass it to friends, try to get intl contact by joining other blogs, it worked for me am sure it will to others, just try after all it is FREE !
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