A farmer rears twenty-five Young Hens and one Old Cock. As he feels that the Old Cock could no longer handle his job efficiently, the farmer bought one Young Cock from the market.
Old Cock to Young Cock : "Welcome to join me, we will work together towards productivity.
Young Cock : What do you mean? As far as I knew, you are already old and should be retired.
Old Cock : Young cock, there are twenty-five Hens here, can't I help you with some?
Young Cock : No! Not even one, all of them will be mine.
Old Cock : In this case, I shall challenge you to a competition and if I win you shall allow me to have at least one Hen and if I lose you can have them all.
Young Cock : O.K. What kind of competition?
Old Cock: A 50 meter run. From here to that tree. But due to my age, I hope you allow me to start off the first 10 meters.
Young Cock : No problem ! it said confidently . We will compete tomorrow morning.
The next morning, the Young Cock allowed the Old Cock to start off first and when the Old Cock crossed the 10 meters mark the Young Cock chased him with all his might. Soon enough, he was behind the Old Cock back in a matter of seconds.
Suddenly, Bang! Bang! ..... before he could overtake the Old Cock, he was shot dead by the farmer, who cursed, "Hell ! This is the fifth GAY COCK I had bought this week !" But was it ?
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Courtesy of : The President
Nice cock story dear DatOK ZeQ. Now which one did get all the hens again? Clever!!!
Hehe, still The Old Cock la! It had proved to be a productive COCK
Me old too. Hehehehehehe. Pity the young ones getting shot. The old one sense the farmer who knows male-male no productivity!
Old cock is still wiser, harder hehe. Young one gay??
I can understand the old one. The young one blinded by what hens have, namely, (I think you know), and did not understand the game, the earlier ones shot by the farmer, sure painful. Rather than get all, he gets none. The old one asked for just one and got all. DatOK ZeQ, real nice cock story. More please...
Nanti aku fikir2 kan. Lama ko menghilang? Skype dah ok, call aku lah
Alahai relax ler DatOK ZeQ, blog kor ni favorite aku, aku mai punya insyaAllah.
Aku tak menghilang ke mana pun, kecuali Sabtu Ahad itu memang aku tak ke ofis, lalu tak blogging lah.
Tapi, aku lewat beberapa hari lalu, lewat, okay, aku blogging dua ke empat posting sehari.
Itu yang senyap jer, bukan ke mana pun. Hehehehehe...
Kekadang macam media text online pulak rasanya. Hahahahahaha!
Cepat pada berita perdana pukul 8 malam, okay ler tu, kat blog aku orang boleh baca pukul 4 petang. Bagi yang minat lah kan?
Hahahahaha, gitulah ceritanya. Aku pun macam yang tua tu jugak! Jika 500 orang datang melawat, lawat okay, syok ler!
Itulah seadanya...
Aku pun tengok blog ko 3-4 kali sehari sebab banyak posting yang memang minat aku. ko carilah fakta2yang baru, aku suka cerita2 "panas" macam tu. Aku juga pergi blog antimahathir, baru lagi dia buat, tapi dah 5 ribu lebih pengunjung, ko tau siapa dia ni?
Cerita dia ada juga masuk akal, tapi aku tak punya banyak fakta2 nak menepis nya, ko ada? Aku hairan juga dia boleh bercakap German, aku tau memang tak ramai boleh, cakap French tu ramai lah kat Malaya ni.
Apa2 pun blog ko memang ada fakta2 yang logik dan menakjubkan.
Beginilah DatOK ZeQ,
Boleh ker kita salahkan, farmer menembak ayam muda yang disangkanya gay, hanya kerana dia orang Jerman?
Lepas itu kita ini Anti Jerman.
Kepada mereka yang belajar di sana, dilaporkan rantai emas jatuh pun siapa tidak ambil.
Jadi bila tiba bab bangsa diborong sekaligus, yang begitu itu susah nak counter.
Atau, orang itu bunuh isteri dia, begitulah perangai orang Africa.
Kita jadi Anti Africa pulak.
Susah juga.
Jadi aku asingkan bangsa itu dahulu. Yang kita lihat ialah perbuatan farmer menembak itu.
Atau orang bunuh isteri.
Jadi tidak bolehlah diborong begitu sahaja.
Lama tak ke mari mcm2 citer ya!
Sy br senang 2-3 hari ni..Esok dh bz balik...Bz berjalan2.
Nak ikut tak? heheheh!
Ko ni datang Bandaraya aku tak telefon pun. Aku tunggu2 ko nak belanja makan, minum sambil2 "marah" KY ko tu. Lain kali lah aku pulak ke Lumut. Aku saje suka buat2 cerita, boring duduk sorang2 ni! Mak Cik ko dah OK ke???
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