I have been travelling to almost part of the world during "peak" of my career. I realised that the Malaysian are intelligent people. I tested it and found out that American, British and all English speaking people there could not construct sentences using numbers. But only one Malaysian BOLEH !
Ah Kaw was born in a small village, but moved to the city and one day was asked to make a sentence using number 1 till 10. Not only he did it 1 to 10, he did it again back to number 1. Just read the sentences below :
1 day I go out 2 climb up a 3 outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I
panicked and 4 down. The man rushed out and asked me to 5 with him. I ran so fast
until I felt so 6 and throw out. I go into 7 eleven and grap some 8 to throw at him.
Then I took a 9 and try to stab him. 10 God, he ran away. So I put the 9 back and
pay for the 8 and left 7 eleven. Next day, I called my boss and say I am 6. He said 5,
tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also asked me to climb another 3
and jumps down. I don't understand, I so nice 2 him but I didn't know what he 1.
and jumps down. I don't understand, I so nice 2 him but I didn't know what he 1.
Courtesy of : President
ZeQ, U 2 post a nice 1. 10 4.
that is great story..
TQ will get few more later. Keep visiting me !
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