John was just 10 years old and like any other boys of his age, is rather curious. He had been hearing alot about "courting" from older boys and he wondered what it was and how it was done. One day he asked his mother who became rather flustered. Instead of explaining it to John, she told him to hide behind the curtains one night and just watch his elder sister and her boyfriend courting, So he did. The next morning John described everything to his mother.
You know mum, Sister and her boyfriend sat and talked for a while, then he turned off the lights. He started by kissing and hugging her. I figured sister must be getting sick because she started looking funny. Her boyfriend must have thought so too , because he put his hand inside her blouse to feel her heart, just like a doctor would do, except he was not as good as the doctor because he seemed to have trouble finding her heart, his hand kept moving to the left and right, very fast !
I guessed he was getting sick too because pretty soon both of them started getting out of breath. His other hand must have been cold because he put it under her skirt. At this time she was worse and began to moan and sigh and squirm around and slide down towards the end of the couch. That was when the fever started. I knew it was fever because I heard she told him that she was really hot.
Finally I found out what was making them so sick. A big eel has gotten inside him somehow.It suddenly jumped out of his pants and stood there, about 10 ins long. "Honest mum ! "Anyway, he grapped it in one hand to keep it from getting away.
When sister saw it she was really scared. Her eyes got big and her mouth fell opened. She started calling out to God...Oh God.. Ohhh God... and stuff like that. She said it was the biggest one she had ever seen. Mum, "I should have come out and told her , the one I saw at "Tasik Cini " last holiday was much bigger and longer ."
Finally I found out what was making them so sick. A big eel has gotten inside him somehow.It suddenly jumped out of his pants and stood there, about 10 ins long. "Honest mum ! "Anyway, he grapped it in one hand to keep it from getting away.
When sister saw it she was really scared. Her eyes got big and her mouth fell opened. She started calling out to God...Oh God.. Ohhh God... and stuff like that. She said it was the biggest one she had ever seen. Mum, "I should have come out and told her , the one I saw at "Tasik Cini " last holiday was much bigger and longer ."
Anyway, sister got brave and tried to kill the eel by "bitting its head off. " All of a sudden she made noise and let the eel go. I guess it bit her back. Then she grabbed it with both hands and held it tight while his boyfriend took a muzzle out of his pocket and slipped it over the eel's head to keep it from bitting her again.
Sister laid back and spread her legs so that she could get a scissor-lock on it and he helped by lying on top of the eel. The eel put up hell of a fight., sister started groaning and squalling and her boyfriend almost upset the couch. I guessed they wanted to kill the eel by squashing it betwen them.
After a while they both quit moving and gave a great sigh. Her boyfriend got up, I am sure enough they had killed the eel. I knew it was dead because it just hanging there limp and some of its insides were hanging out.
I saw both of them were a little tired from the battle but they went back to "courting "anyhow. He started hugging and kissing her again. My God, the eel wasn't dead ! It jumped straight up to move again. Mum, I guessed the "eels are like cats" also , they have nine lives or something !
This time mum, sister jumped and tried to kill the eel by sitting on it. After a 10 minutes struggle they finally killed the eel. I knew it was really dead this time because I saw her boyfriend "peel its skin off "and flushed it in the toilet.
Apa citer, Jakarta macam mana sekarang? skype me now ! I have to top up credit.
kunjung balas..datok zeq yg cool..bertuah dapat bini meletop..hehe
Ayah saya senior datok di ITM,Jln Othman!
Datuk Zeq,
Dengar orang jarkata cakap tak lah lagi ada hujan lebat. taku takut ada banjir.. tapi saya rasa, roti canai di Jarkata tak lawan Malaysia, harga sana mahal sedikit.
Apamacam rose juga anak datok?? fullamk, Kyianak datuk juga?? fullamak sekali lagi.
Rose apamacam KY yang you sebut sebut tu?? saya rasa dia tetap bagi kepuasan sama you...hahaha
Dia ni lincinkan, hingga buat rose itu kilang duri.. KY tak senang bagi Rose jadi marahkan?? Kalau ada KY mestilah mengurangkan pengeseran kan? kurangnya KY hidup rose kurang sempurnakan ?
Tak tahulah saya, cuma tanya tanya, bagi antimamak cuma tahu minyak sapi boleh melincinkan tepung, kurang minyak sapi, roti canai akan hangus, lebih minyak sapi roti itu nyaring.
Ye ke? sape name ayah ko? entah2 aku kenal orang tue tu ! Ky apa macam? aku sibuk tadi kerja, hari Ahad pun buat keje, minyak dah naik nak gak bagi poket aku naik. Dah ko baca kisah belut Cini tu?
pewaris reformasi
Aku mana ada bini dah semua cabut... Bakal tunang aku pun nak cabut juga, aku malas nak layan..penat..
Tadi aku cuba skype ko tak dapat. Line kat Jakarta tu sibuk sangat kot hehe
Apa ada cite baru? YTL dah nak kena siasat ACA pulak, melawan lagi?
antimamak memang melebih ni! I don't like you, ok!
Saya cuma cucu datuk, Ky pun orang panggil datuk. Tapi bukan datuk2 yang tu...antimamak jgn lebeh2!!(sambil dush dush dush kat antimamak dengan hammer)
Datuk zeq,
Dia tak jumpa datok tapi..belajar di tempat yang sama..Datuk ni sama batch dengan GM Puteri Bayu R*esort sekarang ni. Rasa2nya!
Eh Datuk pun minat tanya Ky? Dia okay, Tadi pi tengok team dia main volleyball! Dia pun main sekali utk team tu! Tapi kalah, saya yang menang sorak dari luar gelanggang!
*YTL tu pun bisness Pangkor Laut kan? Kalau pkr laut kena lelong, bolehlah Datuk Zeq bid pulau tu?
Dah baca pun cuma malaaaasssss nak komen aja!
Kepada Rosevsky:
Oooooh sorrylah... marah pun marah lah, juta juta orang marah antimamak , antimamak pun tak marah balik. apa boleh buat, muka roti canai ini , hangus dan nyaring.
Ooooh...sudah faham siapa tu KY. Ky itu orang kesayangan Rosevsky, yang sebanarnya KY itu ada power, boleh tangkap orang, seksa, jilat kasut. macam macam penderaan .. saya caya KY bukan macam golongan uniform baju biru , samseng berlesen itu.
Kalau perangai macam itu,
Gua cabut dulu... ehhhhhhhh
-- tak payah cakap banyak , terus gua jumpa lawyer cakap.
--Happy happy lah Rose, semoga rose happy always!!
Aku ckap ngan antimamak YTL tu bukan taukeh Pangkor laut. Aku citer pasal President SUPP Yong Teck Lee yang nak undi tk percaya kat Pak Lah tu. YTL taukeh tu Yeoh Tiong Lay bapak Tan Sri Francis Yeoh jutawan proxy Dr Mahathir, kan gitu antimamak? Semalam modem aku rosak, wire putus rupanya !
Semalam wire modem aku putus ingatkan apa, itu yang tak dapat contact. Masa aku cakap ngan ko ada pulak 2 orang mak we online, camne tu? Ko tau web cedet kena godam?
Wire putus!!
Wire Tun Mamak juga putus,, sebab kalau tak wire putus blog semakin menjunam.
Kena hack lah, inilah kejayaan Tun Mamak melahirkan golongan cyber yang berupaya hack blog. Satu catatan Malaysia boleh.
YTL... satu kepala botak, satu kepala kaya. Yang kaya tu tak buat kacau, yang botak miskin tu lah kena sound.
Sebenarnya SAPP tak vote no confident pun, silap silap kena tunggu masa, bicang sama Anwar, PR semua bau boleh kerja, bagi saya SAPP tak payah vote apa apa. biar UMNO mati dengan selamat, kalaulah vote keatas PM, siapa pula ganti PM?? walaupun dia lemah, baik dari tak da PM !
Takkan lah nak suami Rosmah jadi PM, nanti kita kena makan C4, dia orang mari bom sama antimamak. bom datuk, bom rose.. nanti habislah manusia macam kita di Malaysia.
2 orang MP SUPP pun tak datang Parliment..takut lah tu.. perjuang apa ni? Sini cakap lain sana buat lain pulak. Aku ingat apa Anwar kata mungkin betul, by Sept 16 semua cabut BN, dengar2 khabar ramai DUN, MP Serawak dah makan angin kat China, tak mau nak sokong lah tu..?
YTL ingatkan Pkr Laut punya tu..rupanya Yong Teck Lee.hahah..sama nama ekk?
Takkan lah nak suami Rosmah jadi PM, nanti kita kena makan C4, dia orang mari bom sama antimamak. bom datuk, bom rose.. nanti habislah manusia macam kita di Malaysia.
Rosmah mana ni?ni mesti bini Najib ni....saya ingat saya tadi!
Ky pun golongan uniform baju biru maaaa...nak buat cam mana.Samseng ke apa ke..dialah jiwa dan ragaku!Antimamak nak kata apa lagi kat Ky saya tu>>>>> heheheheh!
Sape 2 orang perempuan yang skype aku? ko ke yang bagi aku? umur 24 tahun duduk Subang Jaya, semalam putus ngan ko 2 pompuan ni masuk, 2 orang mana aku nak tahannnn!!!
Skype aku jam 8 pm?
ingat masuk sini nak layan, tapi nampaknya tak boleh layan lah. Anyway, tq coz jengah blog tralayan.
TQ datang. Aku cuma ada teh, ko nak kopi aku tak ada !
Terkejut saya bila datuk sampai kat blog saya!
Anyway, thanks so much!
Awat tak update ni...asyik citer pasal 'naughty eel' aja!
Nape plak terkejooot ! Aku suka jalan jalan . ko tengok la nanti sampai plak aku kat Lumut tu, mesti ky jelus ? Lagi ko terkejoooooooot ! Malas aku nak tulis, banyak keje kat ofis !
so cute story 4 a 'naive' boy...hahahahahahaha...
datok????!!(since when??)hutang bapak aku bila nak baya?da jadik datok kann takkan tak dak duit kottt????????????
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