Friday 11 April 2008

Old Man, A Scientist And A Student

1. An old man was caught stealing. At the police station, he was asked by the police :

Police : You are caught stealing, according to Hudud Law, I will cut your hands

Old man : Then I cannot eat properly

Police : I will cut your legs ?

Old man : Then, I cannot walk properly

Police : Or better I cut your ears instead ?

Old man : Then, I cannot SEE properly

Police : Why you cannot see????

Old man : Because ... I cannot hang my spectacles lah !!!

2. A scientist was doing an experiment with a cockroache, and found out the following :

He cut one of the legs.. and asked the cockroach to walk... the cockroach walked.

He cut two legs .... the coackroach still can walk

He cut three legs .... the cockroach managed to walk but very slow

He cut four legs... and asked the cockroach to walk few times but the cockroach didn't walk at all

So , he made the conclusion, if someone cuts all the four legs of a cockroach, it became DEAF !!

3. A young boy didn't go to school one day and called his teacher.

Boy : Hello, Adli cannot go to school today because he is having fever

Teacher : OK but .... Whom am I speaking to ?

Boy : My father speaking !!!

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