A long times ago, a King in one of the countries wanted to find a suitable husband for his daughter a beautiful princess. There were so many people, from other royal families, from all part of the world, from all walk of life, the strong, the handsome, the blind, the handicapped, and the deaf, but the King still couldn't find a suitable one but shortlisted a few including the blind, the handicapped and the deaf. All he wanted as a dowry was as many ping pong balls as possible.
So the search for ping pong balls began, and few days later, those people including the blind, the handicapped man came back with guni sack of ping pong balls except the deaf. The King was very happy and started counting , the man who brought back the most ping balls will win and marry his daughter. However, while counting he realised that the deaf still missing and asked everyone present his whereabout, but no one knew. So, he still couldn't announce the result and waited for the deaf.
Just minutes before the dateline, the deaf rushed to the king with his clothes badly torn everywhere, badly cuts and the blood stained all over his body and gave the King a small paper bag. Everybody at the Palace including the King were wondering, as everybody brought back big guni sacks with full of ping pong balls, but the deaf brought just a small paper bag.
The King asked, what had happened to him. The deaf told the King that because of his undivided loyalty, and his love towards the princess, he was willing to sacrifice his life and faught until the end. And he managed to come back safely and brought back the "things" that the King wanted.
"Your Highness, please open it up," the deaf said. The King opened it up , looked shocked and asked the deaf again. What are these?
The deaf replied, those are KINGKONG BALLS as requested , your Highness !! Everybody at the palace laughed because being deaf he heard wrongly . However, because of his bravery, loyalty and his true love towards the princess, the King decided to marry his princess to the deaf eventhough he brought back KINGKONG BALLS instead of ping pong balls !!!!
What you heard may not be what other people wanted, eventhough sometimes it works !
So the search for ping pong balls began, and few days later, those people including the blind, the handicapped man came back with guni sack of ping pong balls except the deaf. The King was very happy and started counting , the man who brought back the most ping balls will win and marry his daughter. However, while counting he realised that the deaf still missing and asked everyone present his whereabout, but no one knew. So, he still couldn't announce the result and waited for the deaf.
Just minutes before the dateline, the deaf rushed to the king with his clothes badly torn everywhere, badly cuts and the blood stained all over his body and gave the King a small paper bag. Everybody at the Palace including the King were wondering, as everybody brought back big guni sacks with full of ping pong balls, but the deaf brought just a small paper bag.
The King asked, what had happened to him. The deaf told the King that because of his undivided loyalty, and his love towards the princess, he was willing to sacrifice his life and faught until the end. And he managed to come back safely and brought back the "things" that the King wanted.
"Your Highness, please open it up," the deaf said. The King opened it up , looked shocked and asked the deaf again. What are these?
The deaf replied, those are KINGKONG BALLS as requested , your Highness !! Everybody at the palace laughed because being deaf he heard wrongly . However, because of his bravery, loyalty and his true love towards the princess, the King decided to marry his princess to the deaf eventhough he brought back KINGKONG BALLS instead of ping pong balls !!!!
What you heard may not be what other people wanted, eventhough sometimes it works !
So please listen properly !!! Also click - http://www.teamfifi.com
I have a pet, cat. Guarding this cat are 125 King Kongs, I bought from Africa. I noticed someone stole their balls. Do You know who?
Hehe aku dah bagi msg untuk blog chedet tadi. skype ko apa nama nak panggil? aku punya ko tekan nama aku aje. Jangan tertekan King kong balls sudahlah , sengal yop ! hehe
Datuk zeq,
bz ke sekarang...dtg sini aja bukan untuk membaca tapi mengkomen dan tumpang lalu!
sorry lama tak nampak sampai ada orang miss kat kita. Ky kirimsalam,2 hari lepas kami baca blog sesama...Ky kata datok zeq muda lagi..
Waalaikumalam. ko tu datang KL duduk Chow Kit tak call aku pun. Tinggalkan lah GM ko tu jap. Aku nak belanja ko makan , minum. Aku ni muda dihati aje, umur dah tua, tapi tua2 kelapa banyak minyaknya. TAK PECAYA??
datuk Zeq,
nak contact guna 911 or 999???
ko ada skype kan, tekan aja nama aku, dapatlah. jangan tekan aku pulak, ko ok lah ada tukang urut kat hotel ko tu
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